There will be a scene and a character category in which people are free to draw any of their favorite scenes and characters. Perhaps it’s when Pang Xiao first stole over the roof to peek on Qin Yining, or when the trampress got what she deserved. Maybe you’re a fan of best dad Qin Huaiyuan, or you think there’s some redeeming factors in Qin Huining. Whatever it is, show off your talents to the world and make ROS come to life!
Submissions are open here and prizes will be given for the first, second, and third places decided by moi and others, as well as a community fan favorite through voting. First place wins $100, second wins $75, third wins $50, and community vote wins $25.
I’m really excited to see what everyone comes up with! Happy birthday ROS! <<novel link here.
PS. Why am I calling 500 chapters the midway point? Because etvo wanted to make a play on $500 for 500, submissions opening from 7/7, voting on 8/8, and event ending on 9/9! XD
Wahey? Roll out the fireworks and feast, FOR WE HAVE HIT 400 CHAPTERS OF RETURN OF THE SWALLOW!
Would you like to smack Qin Huining, Yuchi Yan, the old dowager, or Li Qitian? You can only pick one!
First off, a huge THANK YOU to all of my readers. This isn’t your typical web novel, so I dearly appreciate everyone very much so! This is a novel of nonstop politicking, scheming, and war between nations, all wrapped up in a no-filler perspective from a sometimes savage noble girl.
To celebrate this chapterversary, I’d like to hand out some marriage gifts for Qin Yining’s wedding!
Ahem, placeholder graphic. XD I yoinked it before Yuuko was done
One Fuji Instax Mini 9 bundle with film, case, album, lens, and more! When Pang Xiao and Qin Yining are parted… things would’ve been more bearable with pictures of each other!
General goods from Taiwan — it may not be Great Yan or Great Zhou, but there’s an interesting selection of souvenirs to choose from!
Leave a rating and write a review for ROS on the NovelUpdates page. Also, please add it to your reading list to help ROS climb the ranks! I am not soliciting positive-only reviews. Write what you’d like!
Email with your volare username and a screenshot of the NU review for verification. The screenshot should clearly indicate your NU username and review date!
Get those entries in by midnight, December 1st, US PST! That’s 4pm, December 2nd GMT+8.
How are you choosing the winners?
RNG madness <3
After RNG chooses the winners, I will rank entries based on quality and depth of review. I will not penalize negative reviews.
E.g. RNG chooses entry #53 and #54. #53 is a single line about how “ROS is cute. U guys shud read.” while #54 goes into a rant of how irritating and unredeemable the villains in ROS are. I will most likely rank #54 higher, unless it insults the author or me somehow.
I’ve already reviewed ROS!
No worries! Update your review and send in your entry!
I’ve been stacking chapters to binge read!
No problem, giveaway ends in 10 days on midnightDecember 1st, US PST! That includes two weekends and food coma time over the Thanksgiving holiday. While waiting for the turkey to cook, come read ROS!
It’s really hard to ship to my country!
Indeed, some places are hard to ship to. We’ll work something out!
I still chuckle when I think about how ROS came to be. I almost didn’t pick it up in the first place because I felt the Chinese synopsis was very generic/cheesy, and the typical female lead gets all the guys fluff fluff plot line. Then I wasn’t sure when I could get to it because I started another novel before it. Bizarrely, the stars aligned in the form of a huge plot hole in that novel, so I had to pause it and therefore… get started on ROS, woot!
Since then, we’ve had a rollercoaster of scheming, politicking, warring, and actual face slapping. ROS is my favorite web novel of 2017, hopefully it’s also yours for the year!
Simply leave a comment on this IG post sharing what your favorite ROS scene has been thus far, and you’ll be entered in a drawing for some etvo chicken scratches, souvenirs from Taiwan, Japan, and Tokyo Disney~ The giveaway will run through to Oct. 28, 2018~
Drop a follow too to keep up on love, life, and moar etvo!