We are all Sovereigns of the Three Realms

4.5 years, 7 million characters. SOTR Nov. 19, 2015 – Apr. 9, 2020.

It didn’t really sink in when I translated the last chapter in March — probably because an immediate shift to NECRO was needed because I messed up launch date calculations XD. What really hit it home was posting chapter 2376 and realizing this was the last time I’d ever see that red flower in the updates bar.

How does one sum up the journey of 4.5 years? It really feels like a lifetime since on a personal level, I went through a career change, three global moves, and three more local moves. SOTR has been through three site moves and two leap years. And all of us together have weathered the rise of the industry and the craziness that spawned.

I’d like to greatly thank the team translators Citrus, House, and cv! All this would’ve been impossible without their efforts. Also, proofreader Nabuch (on the alyschu team!) and previous editors Deyna and Kidyeon. It takes a team to bring the old men harem to everyone. 🙂 An immense thank you also to Ren, the man who started it all and made it possible for all this to continue on.

But really, I want to thank the readers. Do you guys ever get tired of hearing that from translators? I don’t know what else to say, only that it’s so true. Every bit of support, be it comments, Discord chats, Twitter RT, reviews, and sponsorships keeps us going. I have received so many touching notes over the years, telling me how much the series or I have impacted their lives. A lot of things have to come together so that I can be sitting here, writing this to you, and the best readers in the world are an integral part of that.

So let’s celebrate! I will be reading the last two chapters on the WW Discord in about 9.5 hours (countdown in link). That’s 11pm GMT+8, Apr. 9, which is 11am US EST, 8am US PST, 5pm Central European Time. An AMA will follow, so come join the final sendoff for SOTR!

Also, I’d like to host a giveaway on Twitter with cool stationary swag from Taiwan. However, prizes are likely to be mailed out in the summer due to currently constrained airline traffic. In the meantime, please drop a review for SOTR now that the series is done! We have to bring the joys of Pokemon Trainer JC to everyone. XD

JC has finally completed his Pokedex & now needs to choose his favorite out of the old men harem!

Be well, be safe, and thank you.
